AWC’s nature is a holding company and real estate investor. We invest thru our subsidiaries in three business groups i.e.: Hospitality, and Retail and Commercial Buildings i.e. affiliates.

Our unique business model is to collaborate with internationally renowned hotel operators under well-recognized brands, including Marriott, The Luxury Collection Hotel, Okura, Le Méridien, Banyan Tree, Hilton, DoubleTree by Hilton, Sheraton, Holiday Inn and Meliá brands. By leveraging the expertise of our in-house development team, with technical support from international hotel operators.

AWC recognized that each affiliates’ performances can considerably impact to AWC’s performance. Therefore, AWC have established AWC Groupwide Commitment and have worked to incorporate those targets into each affiliate properties. AWC also encourage our affiliates to adopt leading practices from our partners."

Climate Strategy


Strategic initiatives towards carbon neutrality target

Working under the Better Planet Pillar, AWC developed the Strategic Initiatives on Climate Strategy, underpinning the company’s target to become a carbon neutral business by 2030. The Climate Strategy focuses on monitoring and assessment the volume of greenhouse gas emissions across all AWC operations, starting from raw material sourcing to the delivery of our products and services that complied with the GHG assessment standards as follow:

  • 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
  • Assessment Guidance for carbon footprint of organization, The Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization): TGO
  • ISO14064-1:2018
  • GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
  • GRI standard - GRI 305 Emission 2016

To leverage the AWC’s capacity to help combat climate change and reduce GHG with measurable and progressive outcomes, our energy efficiency plan is certified by international recognized certifications such as LEED and EDGE etc. In addition, we shape our investment strategy towards energy technology projects and renewable energy transition - the result of which helps reduce energy costs. In line with this, the company will launch a green purchasing and low carbon tourism program contributing to low-carbon products and services. With the intention to reduce our carbon emissions, carbon storage and carbon offsetting activities are to be integrated in AWC’s tree planting activities, expansion of green spaces, and carbon credit trading. Engaging with the local community and generating more incomes from low carbon products and services are also enablers to create value.


Total Energy Consumption

(Unit: MWh)

Total Greenhouse Gas Emission (Scope 1 & 2)

(Unit: Ton CO2eq)


AWC’s air quality management has been established at both under-construction sites and operating sites. Air quality management includes control and prevention, impact reduction, and monitoring of air quality in the atmosphere in compliance with relevant laws and standards, with environmental impact assessment criteria (EIA), in line with National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

During the pile construction phase, we monitor particulate matter 10 (PM10) and particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) pollution daily and report the air quality weekly. Moreover, we measure pollution such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) monthly. When the pollution exceeds the standards, the company temporarily ceases construction to reduce the amount of pollution and to ensure the air quality of the construction sites meet the relevant standards.


AWC recognizes the impact that water stress may have on our operations. We analyzes the levels of water stress in our assets using the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool, developed by the World Recourses Institute, to develop a strategy and work plan concerning water use efficiency.

Water consumption in real estate mainly stems from customers. Hence, our water use efficiency strategy focuses on the installation of automatic faucets across office buildings, department stores, and our affiliated hotels, along with a water use efficiency awareness raising campaign to promote the “use as necessary” principle. Moreover, the company invests in a recycling wastewater system and a real-time monitoring tool for water usage in cooling towers. The tool helps to inform the quality of wastewater treatment and analyze the water treatment system to best capture the quantity and quality fluctuation. As a result, it improves the efficiency of water usage, the prolongs the lifespan of the equipment and reduces water losses. To ensure we comply with all relevant regulations and standards concerning, the company monitors the quality of effluent before discharging on a regular basis, which also prevents possible negative consequences that may impact stakeholders and communities.


Installation of Recycled Greywater Initiative at Melia Koh Samui was completed in November 2022. The projected water consumption reduction is 9,490 cu.m./year.


Fore more detail of water performance at each operation properties, please refer to the Sustainability Performance 2022

Circular Economy


Strategic initiatives towards zero waste from operation to landfill target for driving circular economy

In supporting BETTER Planet, AWC emphasizes proper waste management, targeting zero waste to landfill from our operations by 2030. AWC develops plans and a management approach to mitigate waste generation and embeds the circular economy principle into the company’s culture. Our management approach focuses on reducing the volume of waste throughout the value chain. As such, we create values for leftover materials systematically through the reConcept store project. The store recycles unwanted materials by re-designing and re-furbishing used products into beautiful and reusable items, which help in reducing waste to landfill. AWC has continually increased the portion of reused and degradable material containers in our products and services. Besides, the company values the opportunities to engage with communities for value creation, including income generation from the circular economy project products. Most importantly, AWC forges a strong partnership with our stakeholders to drive the circular economy concept throughout our value chain.

At AWC, as a hotels business, we prioritize delivering exceptional guest experiences while minimizing our environmental impact. As our core focus is on hospitality, we do not extensively collect data on plastic packaging (e.g., weight, recyclable, compostable) as it is not directly applicable to our operations. Our efforts concentrate on energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction by partnering with sustainable renowned hotel operators . By aligning data collection with our core objectives, we aim to make a targeted impact in reducing our ecological footprint while maintaining responsible practices

Waste Management

Food loss and food waste (FLW) are morally and environmentally irresponsible due to its carbon footprint impacts to the environment and to the global food security.

We are aware that FLW reduction is imperative and that it aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12, Target 12.3 which seeks to “by 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.”

As a result, it is our priority to help eliminate hunger and malnutrition, promote sustainable production and consumption of food, while reducing global climate change caused by food waste.

Group-wide Commitment

Business Driver: AWC towards circular economy

  • Each Thai people normally generates waste at 1.15 kilogram per person. In 2018, there were 28 million tones of waste generated in Thailand. With lack of appropriate waste management, the result will interfere both direct and indirect impact to environment. In addition, the disruption to food supply due to the increasing number of world population will worsen the situation waste in both a business and moral imperative.
  • Hence, the Circular Economy will be the key solution to solve those problems as it promotes the regenerative model of make-use-return. This concept also includes the approaches of “resource maximization, waste separation, and proper disposal” to preserve natural resource and pass it to the next generations.

At AWC, it is our priority to reduce the overall FLW and to employ circular model across our hotel affiliates’ value chains. By that, we encourage our affiliated hotels to adopt and uphold the specific FLW commitments that were announced by each of the hotel brands.

Banyan Tree’s

Banyan Tree’s long term goals are to reduce food waste by 30% and divert 50% from landfill by 2025, with a 50% reduction and 100% diversion by 2030.


Hilton is committed to cutting food waste by 50% by 2030.


Marriott is committed to reducing food waste by 50% by 2025

Green packaging Initiatives:

  • Replace the single-use toiletry bottles of shampoo, conditioner and bath gel in guestroom showers with larger, pump-topped bottles
  • Aim to phase out single-use plastic packaging such as to remove plastic straws, stir sticks and cocktail picks and remove the plastic water bottles from all meetings and events
  • Promote the use of plastic substitute material such as using coconut shell for beverage, bamboo for food container, Japanese decorating cloths instead of plastic bag

The reConcept Store

We intend to establish the reConcept store to promote upcycling of old furniture and materials by redesigning the used furniture, decorative collectibles, appliances, and craftwork rather than throwing away.

Part of the revenue generated from selling the recycled goods will go to the Asset World Foundation for Charity (AWFC).


Asset World Corp Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries operate the businesses with transparency and recognize the importance of environmental protection. Therefore, apart from promoting environmental protection, the company is focusing on biodiversity protection and against deforestation. As such, the Company provide trainings for employees, communities, and related stakeholders to cultivate and understand the efficient use of resources.


Number of Sites Area (Hectares)
1. Overall - total number of sites used for operational activities 22 134.98
2. Assessment - biodiversity impact assessment for sites used for operational activities in the last 5 years 22 134.98
3. Exposure - number of sites that are in close proximity to critical biodiversity 0 0
4. Management Plans - number of sites that have a biodiversity management plan All AWC properties are complied with mandatory standards and applicable regulations. In the case of any exposure to biodiversity-risk areas in the futures, AWC will develop biodiversity management plan to evaluate, monitor and take appropriate mitigation actions as required by applicable regulation.


Green Turtle is known to only nest on quiet beaches, far away from humans. It has been classified in the International Union of Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) red list as an endangered species. From February to May 2020, Banyan Tree Samui spotted one green turtle nesting over 600 eggs from 5 nests on the beach. The green turtle nest is spotted for the first time this year after it has disappeared from Koh Samui’s beach for over 6 years.


Sheraton Samui Resort has been collaborating with Koh Samui Crab Bank with an aim to restore and increase local blue crab populations at Koh Samui. This project support in fishery resources and ecosystems, helps strengthen local food resources and the livelihoods of local fishermen and their families. Hence, the project promotes a deeper connection between AWC and the communities through the engagement. Moreover, the project has been selected as one of the sustainable projects to showcase at the press conference (hybrid) - APEC press & media in 2022.


Banyan Tree Krabi collaborates with Save Andaman Network to develop a pilot project, the Sustainable Community-Base Tourism. Through this network, there are key partners such as advisors to Koh Lanta Tourism Business Association and Community Based Tourism Association, the President of Ban Thung Yee Peung Community, and etc

The objectives of this project are to:
1. Raise awareness and increase knowledge on a bee farm, Kok Nong Na Model, and the small-scale fisheries and crab bank to visitors and travelers. This will help to protect the environment and natural resources.

2. To strengthen and enhance the bee farm and fisheries in alignment with Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) and the ESG concept. It is to prolong the community’s way of living.

3. To promote upcycle souvenirs produced by the local community. Banyan Tree Krabi believes that this is the beginning to foster Thailand as a global sustainable tourism destination.

The resort and the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (Chumporn Research Center) move the eggs (2 out of 5 nests) above tide level to increase these turtles’ survival rate. They then built nursery zones to protect the eggs from predators. In May 2020, there were 269 successful hatchlings. Banyan tree has restricted all construction projects along the beach to protect coral reefs and preserve the shoreline biodiversity. The resort continues to monitor for turtle nesting signs along the shore, hoping for more turtles to return for nesting.

AWC Tree Planting Project

To achieve the carbon neutrality by 2030, the Tree Planting Project has been initiated with the objectives to expand green area through tree planting and conservation, as part of carbon offsetting programme. The tree planting project is implemented in all AWC’s operating assets, developing assets, and the voluntary foresting project.



Operating Category


Developing Assets


Voluntary Foresting Project