Mrs. Nuntawan Sakuntanagareceived a Bachelor of Accountancy in Banking and Finance from Chulalongkorn University, and a Master of Business Administration (Marketing and International Business) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, US. She also completed the Director Certification Program (DCP), the Audit Committee Program (ACP), and Financial Statements for Directors program (FSD) from the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD).
Previously, she served in many key positions in government sectors, independent state agencies, and state enterprises, for instance, Director of the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission, Member of the Board of Directors of the Office of Insurance Commission, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Director and Chairman of Audit Committee of the Dairy Promotion Organization of Thailand, Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade and the Department of Intellectual Property.
Apart from being the Independent Director and Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee in Asset World Corp Public Company Limited since 2018, She is also Independent Director and Member of the Audit Committee of PTT Public Company Limited, Chairman of the Gems and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization), Qualified Director of the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission and Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Union Pioneer Public Company Limited
Age: 65
Amount of Shares: 0.001
Appointment Date
- Independent Director (Appointed since September 7, 2018 and latest re-appointed on April 27, 2022)
- Chairman of Audit Committee Committee (Appointed since April 26, 2024)
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Finance