Vision, Mission and Core Values
AWC is building a better future by going beyond the norms in property development and management, and providing responsible and sustainable solutions for our stakeholders.
AWC Core Values
“Our AWC Core Values are derived from 5P’s, beginning with “Philosophy” that is the essence of inner strength of our spirit based on the foundation of good ethics and Integrity. We have joined together as part of Asset World Corporation as a team or “People” in unity, to work with Passion creating limitless potentials. Being Goal Oriented, we move forward towards common set of goals which means process of ideas and work or “Process”, in order to create quality work or “Product” that is Customer Centric in providing values on meeting the needs of the customer, and finally Caring or “Public”, which we build our pride together in creating sustainable value for society, community, environment and the country.”
Mrs. Wallapa Traisorat
Chief Executive Officer and President
Asset World Corp Public Company Limited